Optimal Sun - Your needs, our target
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Optimal Sun

OPTIMAL SUN is a company oriented to management of Photovoltaic Assets and Official Partner of ALECTRIS, international company that manages more than 300 MW with a global scope.

OPTIMAL SUN has a deep knowledge of the photovoltaic market and an extensive experience in the construction, management and evaluation of photovoltaic installations.

These core competences allows OPTIMAL SUN to supply Operation and Maintenance services completely adapted to the individual requirements of each customer.

Your Solar Needs - Our Target

About Alectris

  • Alectris is a global service provider for the integrated care of solar photovoltaic (PV) energy assets. Honed in the mature solar market in Europe, the comprehensive suite of Alectris services reduces the risk and delivers maximum financial returns for solar investors and plant owners regardless of site location.
  • Powered by ACTIS, the company’s proprietary solar asset management and monitoring platform, Alectris provides a full service approach to solar asset protection, including solar operations and maintenance, asset management, check-up and diagnostic, engineering and improvement services.
  • Performance excellence is the company’s mission, empowering it to re-define O&M and outperform client expectations.
  • With the aim of gradually improving the operational and financial performance of the PV investments entrusted to its services, Alectris has developed an advanced service organization infrastructure, monitoring tools and methodologies devoted to O&M, Asset Management & Improvement activities.
  • Presence of Alectris:

Advantages Optimal Sun

  • Make your life easier and your solar assets more profitable
  • Big experience in national and international photovoltaic sector
  • Perfect alignement of the service provided with the customer needs
  • Global partner of our customers
  • Cost competitive
  • Actis implementation in all the plants under management of Optimal Sun


Special renewable energies 2021

Special renewable energies 2021

With the rise of renewable energies, there is more and more talk of new energies. We leave you in this link (Spanish) the special renewable energy elaborated by esade alumni that we find very useful and...
Invernaderos fotovoltaicos en Francia

Invernaderos fotovoltaicos en Francia

Tras 3 años trabajando en Francia, hemos conseguido finalizar con éxito la instalación de 18 invernaderos fotovoltaicos con una potencia total de 56,85 MWp. Aprovecho para dar las gracias a todo el personal que nos ha acompañado a lo largo de este...
Optimal Sun and abk Solaire align to develop electrical installation work in France in 16 photovoltaic greenhouses, totaling 36 MW of installed capacity

Optimal Sun and abk Solaire align to develop electrical installation work in France in 16 photovoltaic greenhouses, totaling 36 MW of installed capacity

BARCELONA, Spain - 12-19-2016: abk Solaire is a company dedicated to design, install and maintain solar and renewable energy installations, with strong link with the French market, and Optimal Sun, specialist in Operation and Maintenance of photovoltaic installations are associated to realize the...


One of the most difficult points to be understood in the Spanish photovoltaic regulation, is the evolution of the CNMC Coverage Coefficient. Coverage Coefficient is the percentage of the regulated retribution which the plant has generated, that is paid each month. This coefficient depends on the...

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Av. Mauri, 59 A
Sant Fost de Campsentelles - 08105
(+34) 935 790 727
(+34) 672 206 445


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